Thursday, October 23, 2008

White men from America using machettes??

hey everyone,
this week has been good. we have been focusing more on service. so this week we went to sister appleton. she is a widow who always feeds us no matter what. she is so kind and loving. so she needed some grass cut so we asked her if we could come chop it for her. she was shocked and said yes. so we went and took some machettes and starting cutting the grass. the people driving and walking by on the main road were very confused at seeing 3 white men doing very hard physical labor. we had many people ask when we would start building the new church there or how much sister appleton is paying us. they have never seen anyone just give service like that before. so people gave us a hard time. when we went to tell sister appleton goodbye she was crying and the phone was ringing off the hook with all her friends asking her what was happening at her house. it was one of the best moments i have had here. the wires called us and told us that the news was everywhere that the white men from america could cut grass. it was
mana is doing good and getting better everytime i see her. i dont know what any of you can send for christmas. the kids already molest me after church and i am a God in gardnersville primary. maybe matchbox cars or something. almost everyone can read english and they dont have toys really. they are all great kids and i love all of them.
the branch is doing well and i am doing great. the work is moving along good and if i dont kill the district leader i will be great. i am grateful for all of you and i love to read letters :)love
elder lamb

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