Monday, March 29, 2010

The time is slowly melting away...

Hey everyone,
Well another hot and short week has flown by. Some times I really wonder where the week has gone. The time is slowly melting away. Today we just came back from Bo. We went to join the zone dinner. Elder Eshun made me some Ghana FUFU with groundnut soup. Probably the best food in the world. Yeah I said it. It is nicer than a big burger. Well for now it is. We actually found a restaurant in Kenema that sells hamburgers - very small expensive ones. Of course I had to be the one to find something like this. Haha
Today we played soccer in Bo. They played a little rough and started doing some bad things like sweeping peoples legs out and things. So some were ejected from the game so that no one would get hurt. I did my best to make a solid wall to let them run into. I only knocked a few down this time. Haha
The week was good. We had a lot of work to do and things to fix. The baptism went well. We had 2 people be baptized. Two 20 year old men. We are getting them ready to go and serve a mission next year. They should be some good converts. I made extra sure that they were ready and they were. The water for the font wasn’t the cleanest but we managed it and had a good baptism/branch activity. It’s the end of the quarter you know. We need to enjoy sometimes . Haha
Other than that we are doing well and exploring the good oven in the apartment. The classics are banana bread and German pancakes, followed with egg sandwiches and french fries. No I didn’t burn my hair again.
The week was short and not much else happened lately. Today as I sat in the car squished next to a lady and her son, I was thinking amidst the noise of squeaky breaks and the wine of worn out wheel bearings that the time is really getting short. Only 4 more weeks now. But I don’t focus on those thoughts. If I do it’s more like a challenge to make sure that I use all the 2 years and not waste any time, no matter how old or tired I am. So it should be a lot of fun to work my new companion to death almost. Haha
Well that’s about all that happened. I am doing well as ever and working harder than ever. I have to finish the map before I go. Haha and find a lot of new people and give the next elder a big huge group of people to teach and baptize after I go. All is well and thanks for the support. This week should be the last one to send any letters if you hope to have it reach me - so you should all send one last one today. Thanks!!!
I love you all!!!
Elder Lamb

Trash talkin' in Krio (the edited version)

Misc info from this weeks emails:
**”Everyday is always the hottest day here. The weather doesn’t change.”
**I am doing great and don’t worry I am fine. I am hanging in there for one more month.
**Email to Casey: KC Man….(trash talking from Africa in Krio)…. well things are going well over here. Just kicking strong and doing my best. The sun is hot but the days are short and I am wondering where they have all gone. April will be here this week and its starting to hit me that I am almost done - but not yet.
**I almost forgot that general conference is this week. Tell me about the good ones and record it for me. By the time I will see it I will be home. The DVD won’t be here in time. So keep for me o!
**Until next week - back to the bush

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

My name is Elder Lamb, and I am a pyromaniac

Hello all of una,

Well the big news is out. My new companion is Elder Priddis from Big Pine, Wyoming. (I think he means Big Piney) He is the last of 10 children and all his brothers and sisters have served. He played football and basketball. He likes country and rock music. He loves hamburgers. So basically we are twins. We are getting along great and working hard. There is much to do and a lot of work and things that I have to help him learn. It has been a new experience for me. But I am getting the hang of it a little bit now. Since the master of sardines is one transfer in Liberia, we have had a chance to start trying out some new food. Sister Squires made us a small cook book and our new favorite is German pancakes. We are doing our best to enjoy breakfast now.

We had a fairly boring week. On Wednesday I traveled to Bo to take Elder Amoa and pick up Elder Priddis. I got to see all the elders and they actually had an appreciation dinner for all the missionarys and Bo district leaders. We went and had the program and then President showed up with my companion and we put him in the taxi with 4 in the back. He was probably wondering what in the world we are doing. Haha!! But we arrived alive and are settled down now. He is a great Elder and we are getting along and working hard. I am trying to show him some things and the Krio is coming slowly. But we are practicing.

The branch had Relief Society Day on Wednesday - only no one came so they took Sunday instead. All women gave talks on things and after church we had a sandwich and juice. I don’t really think that we were supposed to have something like that on the Sabbath day. But we are working with them to slowly change some things around. First we need a counselor in the branch presidency. The 1st hasn’t been here since I have. Haha but we have a good president who listens to what needs to be done. The only problem is he can’t figure it out on his own. But we are doing our best to make things right.

Oh yes!! Today we had a bunch of limbs and grass and leaves that we had been collecting. So we decided to burn them like everyone else. Well the fire got really hot and I singed some hair on my arm and leg. It smells funny. I have no idea why I am writing this but I guess I will let you know the exciting thing that happened today.

We also had a new elder decide that he couldn’t make it and go home. So we had to help a branch missionary to get ready to go and replace him for 5 weeks. We convinced Sister Squires that we needed some dumb bells for the apartment. We paid him for them and the rest of the money was complete for him to finally get his suitcase. So now he is serving in Njagboima branch with Elder Tippets.

Umm.... not much else has happened. Today we hiked up to the river and took a small break. Then I bought some cool flip flops to show off with when I get back.

Other than that nothing really. Just kickin hard still and losing myself in the work.

Elder Lamb

Elder Abralamb means.....

Misc Info from March 15th:
**Please write back. You only have 5 more chances.
**Elder AbraLamb = Abraham and Lamb. Cause Abraham didn’t give birth until he was old. I didn’t train until the last one. Hahahaha get it?? I am so funny
** Maybe it will snow in May too. Haha I would love it. Except I will freeze to death. The ac is broken so only a fan sometimes. As long as it rains we get light small more.
**Just keep kicking. You only have 6 more weeks left until the work horse comes home. I need a good job quick. Haha
**I am working hard and doing well don’t worry. Oh I am training my last transfer. It should be a lot of fun.
**Dad…I am just trying to work until the end and stay strong. Well don’t worry I will be there soon enough. Today I had to change the oil in the generator again. Good thing you taught me something right? Well stay strong and try to write me back. You only have 5 chances more.

Elder Abralamb

Hey Everyone,
Well I have a new name. Elder Abralamb. I will be training my last transfer on mission. It is the first time I have trained. I don’t even know who my new companion is. They still haven’t really decided which one is going where yet. President Squires will decide tomorrow after he interviews them. The Lord sure works in mysterious ways. I am excited for the new opportunity and it will be a great strength to my patience. This was wearing a little thin the last few days. But I am doing much better and taking things in stride as they come. That’s what life is about right?
Other than that not too much news. I am doing my best and working hard as ever. I have been adding to the teaching pool like crazy and the results are beginning to show a little. Whoever replaces me should consider himself lucky. Haha but we are not allowed to think about that yet. There is still much to do and I need to learn a lot more.
We have been working on making sure that the correct curriculum is being taught on Sunday. Because it wasn’t. But we got them back on track and will keep them going with it. Hopefully they actually learn that they should do what they are told. It’s a slow process to build a foundation. But we have a good humble branch president.
Things are going good and there really isn’t much going on. The transfer was a big one and a lot of people moved around. I am so happy that Elder Hickey came out to my zone. He is a great elder. I love him and many others. The mission clown Elder Visser is still here to make us laugh so I will be safe from insanity my next transfer. Things are going well.
It was good to hear from you all and you should go and write one more letter this week. I think it might make it and how great should be my joy to hear from you one last time. Thanks for all the support and love.
I love you all
Elder Lamb

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Working smarter now....

Hey everyone,
How is life treating you this week? I am in Bo and loving my old town and areas. It is nice as I run into old people and see what they are up to now. It is a good experience I will be sad to finally leave here, but lets not think about that yet. We had our super p day today. We had a game of volleyball and then played dodgeball. My companion was trying to mess around and just getting on others nerves, so as we played dodgeball he got on the other side and I targeted him until I drilled him good. It was fun and after that we played kickball. It was funny as some elders didn’t know how to play and then didn’t listen when we explained. So they were getting out like crazy for not running and things. It was a good time.
This week was good and over before we knew it. It was so nice at sacrament meeting though. We had a good sister give a talk on testimony last week and we did follow up with all the members we saw to make sure that they had heard the truth and didn’t give a storymony as I call them. So due to our dedication and God blessing them almost all of the people got up and gave a real testimony. Oh I was so happy. It was one of the best testimony meetings I have had here. It was great as we worked hard and saw a tangible result.
The teaching pool on the other hand is starting to slack. We were left with a lot of 20 something boys that don’t go to school or work. They just sleep at home all day. So we have been trying with them but some are getting scared of Elder Lamb. They apparently never knew that we expected them to keep the law of chastity and things. So they have been running away small. Its been a problem with people like that before. But we are adding and doing well. I don’t think I should have many more baptisms here but maybe one or two.
Kenema is big but we are working smarter now and not just jumping all over the place. We work with the same people in the same area and it saves us so much money on taxi bikes. Elder Amoa is doing well and liking the work so things are great. Sometimes I get a little frustrated with how immature he can act somedays. But we are doing well and getting along much better now.
Things are going well and I am working hard and keeping my mind busy so that I won’t think about anything but the work. I am doing great and am healthy. So things are well.
Remember to choose the right and read your scriptures.
I love you all.
Elder Spencer Lamb

Monday, March 1, 2010

Don't give glory to the shovel

Hey all you blog readers,

Where in the world did March come from? Geez I am still trying to figure out what happened in February. But the time seems to be eluding me as I bury myself more and more in the work. But that’s ok as I have come to love it. The town of Kenema is doing well and we are starting to see the things that we want. The hard work is paying off a little. But we are far from what I want to be.

This week we had a great chance to travel to Bo and have zone conference. President talked about honor and glory and power. The whole reason Satan was cast down was because he sought God’s power. That is what Satan will try to do to us now. To make it all about me and not about God. But in reality all the glory should be passed on from us and straight up to God. Don’t praise me for being a good missionary. Praise God who made me what I have become. See the picture? Christ was our perfect example. He gave all the glory unto god and took none for himself. He never wanted to be recognized. He put all the honor on God. So that is what I have tried to do - to help people see that I am just a tool in the Lords hands and that we don’t give the glory to the shovel.

So that is a taste of what I learned. As we were coming to zone conference I ran into my old Branch President. He gave me a warm hug and we talked for a while. After we were preparing to leave I ran into a recent convert who also gave me a warm hug and we talked small. It was a wonderfully happy feeling having all those people still active and working hard to do the lords work. I was sure happy to see them again. Plus we had burgers for lunch and President Squires gave us a ride home to Kenema. They made the speed bumps higher just for him I think. We were flying and he thought they were the same. But they grew a lot and we shook up Elder Petersons Ford pretty good. It gave us all a good laugh. I think that I almost had too much joy in one day and then I had a wonderful interview with President Squires and it just got better.

Not much else has happened this week. We are going on exchanges tomorrow but that is about it. I was very happy that day and next Monday we have super p day. Still haven’t heard what we are doing yet but it should be fun.

All is well and love you all. Thanks for the support and remember to praise the Lord and not me.

Elder Lamb