Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Packing my bags and going to the bush

ha ha well the first news is that God answers prayers and I am going out to the bush known as the town of Bo. it’s pronounced the same as bow. no it doesn’t stink that bad. ha ha funny guys. well the place is nice and the computers are supposed to be slow. it is a 5 hour drive from town and I get to ride in the mission car at least this time so it shouldn’t be too bad. my new companion is from Nigeria and is named elder Echi-Aboli. I traveled with him from Liberia on the packet of gum plane. we are both big and tough so it should be fun. he likes to work out a lot so maybe he can remotivate me to be active again. we will see.
This week was good. I and my old companion started to actually get along and enjoy our time more. today we went for super preparation day to the nicest beach in Sierra Leone. It was awesome and we were playing football in the nice clean sand while the Lebanese people watched us. it was really fun and I enjoyed it.
Well the work is sweet and I am doing well. I love to work hard and I will really miss wellington. I don’t like only being in an area for 6 weeks. Mostly cause I hate packing my bags again. But the lord knows where I am needed and my mission president is most definitely following his counsel for this place so I am grateful for the chance to serve. The work will go onward and I get to ride in the mission van for 5 hours on Friday. It is supposed to be colder out there and the computers are supposed to suck so we will see about the blog emails. Keep writing I love to hear from all of you and thanks for everything.
I love all of you!
Elder Spencer Lamb

FYI: Bo is out in the ‘bush’. Bo is the second largest city in Sierra Leone but it is a bit ‘rustic’. He should be able to see some more wildlife. Bo is where the missionaries were having problems and they are short handed there. He said that he is going to the Sewa Road Apartment where 6 missionaries live. He will be over two areas for now = Messima and New Barracks. Because he will be over two areas, he gets to go to Church two times every Sunday.

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