Monday, January 26, 2009

Biggest Bed!!

Hey everyone,
Well the bush isn’t quite as bush as I thought. It is a fairly large city but it is in the middle of no where. I am enjoying and doing my best though. I love the area and my new companion from Nigeria is awesome. We will do many miracles in the 2 branches we are working in.
Well you might be wondering why I am in 2 areas now. Well the time when 8 elders got sent home at different times is why. The last 6 out of 7 elders in these areas were sent home. I have soo much work to do to catch everything back up. There is so much crap they didn’t do and I have over 20 people who were all baptized and we cant find them. Crappy elders have given me a ton of work. But I love to work and so does my companion.
The trip out to Bo wasn’t bad at all. I got to ride with elder burns in president squires new ford everest. the other elders were in the ranger. it was paved for part of the way but most the way was very dusty dirt road. the trip took like 5 hours and now that I am here I am excited for the opportunity to work hard and do my best. the work is so sweet and I am already loving the people.
Since I am in 2 branches I now get to attend 6 hours of church each week. Messima and new barracks branch both meet in a nice rented building. the sacrament room is outside under a carport type thing. it is nice though and I helped install the PA system on Friday. It is nice and the people like to speak Kriol and mende in church too much. Mende is the local tribe that most people are out here and they speak it well. I am working on it small and I can say hi and how are you and a few small things. My krio is getting better and I can understand most the time. ha ha
My companion is named elder echi-aboli from Nigeria. I love him and we will do great here. we both have the desire to work hard and we will do great. he even let me have the big bed. It is half decent and my feet don’t hang over the edge anymore.
Well all is well and I love my areas and my work here. Thank you for all that you all do and I love you all.
Elder Spencer Lamb

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