Monday, May 11, 2009

Mother's Day phone call!!!!

This picture is Elder Lamb in the bush of Kenema - notice he is proudly wearing his Bronco shirt :)

Some Misc Info From Mother's Day Call:
* There were some loud noises in the background and he said maybe someone was trying to break into their compound. He said no one ever has, and ”don’t worry because I sleep with a machete by my bed and it is like 3 feet long.” Of course being the mom I had to ask him where in the heck did he get something like that. He said he had a guy make it out of barbed wire. We all looked at each other like what the?? He was all bragging about how it could cut off an arm – when finally someone said “WITH barbed wire??” Turns out his English translating skills were a bit off – and it was made out of rebar!!
* Amy asked him what he does with his GARBAGE – his response “I wear them every day and then wash them on Mondays” He thought she said GARMENTS. The garbage they save up and burn once a week. When it is too wet, they wait till it dries out so during the rainy season it really piles up.
* He loves his companion – who has seen Strange Brew (beauty eh?) and knows almost as many Chuck Norris jokes as he does.
*There are 6 branches in Bo and one in Kenema. He said it is densely populated with LDS members. His branch goes to the only Church that is actually owned by the Church and it is a very nice building. (Most of the branches rent out rooms or anything they can find to hold Church)
*They average about 6 appointments a day and there is not a shortage of people to teach.
* They are supplied things for breakfast which consists of rice, corned beef and something else – he did say they buy the 50 pound bag of rice and that it is interesting to carry that on the back of a motorcycle. For lunch they are on their own and that is generally rice with something on it. For dinner lately he and his companion have been having guacamole and Pringles. The fruit is amazing!! He said that people eat snails, maggots, basically anything. Usually it is just thrown into a pot of bowling water. Sometimes he will buy a twix bar. When he left he would NOT eat KFC or roast beef – but now said that either would be heaven!!
* There are all kinds of creatures – but he has not seen a lion or an elephant. Lots and lots of bugs! People have monkeys for pets and once they get fat they eat them.
* He admitted to having malaria once not long ago, but Sister Squires doctored him up and he was fine.
* The rain is late in coming this year – he said that it rained last week (picture alert!!) and it was starting to rain while we talked. At night it cools down to 75 degrees if they are lucky. He said usually it is 95 degrees with total humidity.

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