How is the week for you? I am doing great and still super busy. I really don’t even know where this last week went to. It just runs away so fast that I can’t even find it again. Good thing I have my journal. We had a nice zone conference this week and President really helped us understand what the purpose of the Sierra Leone Freetown mission is. He always wondered why the Lord would give us enough missionaries for each branch. Then he finally figured it out. The Lord needs each set of missionaries in each branch to help this new area of the church grow the right way. We have to spend almost half of our time helping the branch and the other half bringing people into it. It is wonderful because it helps us to work with the branch leaders and get along. If you don’t then the branch will go nowhere. So far we are doing well here and have a good relationship in the branch. We have some good members who are doing what is right and we are still working with the others so all is well and going right. We are really focused on having the members help us teach and fellowship. So far we have started the ball rolling and each week it is getting better.
The other day we were walking up the big mountain and say a woman who needed some help. She had 2 huge bags of fruit. Each one about 100 pounds. So I decided to help her. She was waiting for her son to come and we walked up and contacted her. She explained and we offered our help. She refused. So I asked where the house was to make sure that we would be able to accomplish the task with out dying. She pointed to a house about 400 yards straight up. There was a cut in the dirt trail and so I heaved a sack over my shoulder. Elder Andersen did likewise. We carried them up to the house and God really blessed us that we didn’t have a heart attack. She was very grateful and we are hoping to go and teach her this week. It should work well.
We have many good families here that we are teaching. One family I just can’t figure out. The Saffa family is strong and likes the church. But they just don’t really come to church. The message is good and they are doing well in everything else. They like the church and members have welcomed them. We had them meet the Branch President when they came and we just can’t figure it out. So hopefully with their new fellowshipper they will open up to them and then they will let us know.
It’s funny. The more I have been out here the more I figure it out. Now that it is starting to make sense I am running out of time to do everything. But I still have the time to teach the other elders and hopefully they can start to do it. Mainly we are hitting on the use of members in helping us teach. That should make everything much better.
Being here in town has really changed my view of mission. I will always remember the times out in Bo with not many people and lots of bush around. But now that I am here and they have things like meat pies and all kinds of nice things. We keep seeing all the rich people driving around in crazy cars and we have a game to see which car is the most expensive. The BMW x6 wins so far. It is interesting and has changed my view a little of what I will remember about mission. I can’t forget my beloved mission president and all my great companions and friends made. Things are going well.
This week we also had a small accident. Elder Andersen was taking a picture of me. Since his camera broke we have just been using mine to take all the pictures then I will send them to him latter. Anyways so he was taking a picture and dropped my camera. Yeah it smashed the lens so I think that she is toast. But he is very good about it and wants to send another one. Hopefully it will come quick. It was just an accident and we can’t change it so now I can just steal everyone else’s pictures from their cameras until I get one again. Haha isn’t life full of fun.
Thank you all for writing. I am doing well and working hard. The time is flying by and I swear that it is just being stolen. Owell I am doing well and working hard. The time might be over before I know it.
Elder Lamb
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