Thursday, June 19, 2008

Finally - an email & lesson on how to drink water

The time is flying by! i have already been in the field for over a month and i have finished the Book of Mormon in that time. so if you try to tell me it is too long to read in a year too bad cause i did it in a month and loved it!
i am doing fine. dont worry about me getting sick i healed the very next day and sister wire didnt even need to come visit me.
i know that i am late to be writing but the cafe was down on monday so i am here today. today actually the generator died and i had to start this email again so i might leave some tihngs out that i wanted to send.
i am so glad it is the rainy season. it is somewhat cooler on the days it rains. the temperature when its raining is about 85 and it is nice. it kind of sucks when the next day it is 100 in the blazing sun. but i havent seen the sun in 5 or 6 days. it either pours or is cloudy all the time.
things you should know if you come to liberia. dont drink a "big" bag of water. this is well water and can make you sick. you want to buy mineral water. which is purified water. instead of water bottles they just use plastic bags. just a ziploc bag with water in it. you just bite off the corner and suck the water out. it is pretty effective. one other thing you should know is that there really isnt a trash system and everyone just throws thier trash on the ground. it makes the place smell not so nice. also you need to know that everyone honks thier horns for nothing. they just drive along honking for no reason. this is very annoying at 2 in the morning when you are trying to sleep. you should also know that the people here are always late. it is almost as bad as waiting for jenny to get ready to go out. so i guess i am learning more patience.
the people here are so great. one of our members sister appleton is way to nice to us and always feeds us and offers us food all the time. i am trying to keep some of my wieght but i am losing the battle. all i can say is that i will make john tired when we go hunting in a few years.
my area is one of the biggest and my companion isnt a good planner so we use most of our day to travel from one house to the other.
i finally got my first chance to go out in my area without elder balulwami. i went on splits with elder muthwa 2 times last week and we did great. it was wierd to be the one leading someone else. i guess that is what a senior companion feels like.
all is well and i heard my mom and gma are making a package so i should survive. thanks for the support and i cant wait to actually get a letter. still none yet but i am hoping president squires brings some next friday. all is well and dont worry about me i am doing fine.
elder lamb

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